The International Arab Journal of Information Technology (IAJIT)

Kernel Logistic Regression Algorithm for Large Scale Data Classification

classification problems. However, it is often not f ound in large+scale data classification problems an d this is mainly because it

Multiple-View Face Hallucination by a Novel Regression Analysis in Tensor Space

Abstract:In this paper, the novel multiple-view face hallucination method was proposed. This method is reconstructed the

Test Case PrioritizationforRegression Testing Using Immune Operator

Abstract:Regressiontesting is a time consuming, costly process of re-running existing test cases.Assoftware evolves, the


Abdullah Aljumah and Mohammad Siddiqui 


Mohamed Ben Messaoud, Besma Khelil, and Abdennaceur Kachouri

An Empirical Study to Evaluate the Relationship of Object-Oriented Metrics and Change Proneness

Abstract: Software maintenance deals with changes or modifications which software goes through. Change prediction models

Bilateral Multi-Issue Negotiation Model for a Kind

1College of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering, Hunan University, China 2The Second Hospital, University of South China, China 3Guangxi Key Laboratory of Trusted Software, Guilin University of Electronic Technology, China

Applications of Logistic Regression and Artificial Neural Network for ICSI Prediction

Zeinab Abbas1, Ali Saad1, Mohammad Ayache1, and Chadi Fakih2 1Department of Biomedical Engineering, Islamic University of Lebanon, Lebanon 2Department of medicine, Lebanese University and Saint Joseph University, Lebanon

A Concept-based Sentiment Analysis Approach for Arabic

Ahmed Nasser1 and Hayri Sever2 1Control and Systems Engineering Department, University of Technology, Iraq 2Department of Computer Engineering, Çankaya University, Etimesgut